
A rainbow colored butterfly sitting on top of a wall.

~I was recently home visiting my Mom’s grave. I sat on the grass and started talking to her. I was feeling very emotional as I have been through some heavy stuff and was wishing for the comforting conversations and hugs only a Mother could give her daughter.

~The memories of her final day flooded through me. I remember holding her hand in the ICU hoping for a miracle. That somehow she would defeat the odds and live. God could do the impossible. I wondered why it was the will of God for me to lose her so young. She was still needed here on earth.

~Perhaps the biggest sign of hope was the rainbow that formed outside in front of the hospital. It was dreary and rainy when I went in. I wasn’t prepared to see the beautiful colors illuminating the sky when I came out. I thought this was a direct message from God that His timing was right and I needed to trust it. That prism made me smile. I also felt like it was my Mom telling me she was alright.

~After the rain there is always a rainbow somewhere. Even on the darkest days there is a sign of hope. A light can be seen. A promise from God that all will be well. I would gather the hard part is putting true faith into the signs God leaves behind. Believing in the earth He created and listening to nature when she speaks. The Holy Spirit talks to us through God’s creations. We just have to be brave enough to accept the message.

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