Mi Vida

Butterfly wing with quote about fragility.

I have taken the good with the bad.
I have taken the happy with the sad.
I have taken the mad with the glad.
I still am…

Each second I treasured.
Each minute I measured.
Each hour I pleasured.
I still try…

Every judgment thrown at me,
Every hurt they did not see,
Every fight on bended knee,
I still forgive…

The loss of friends dear,
The wishing of family near,
The waiting that I fear,
I still cry…

My normal body I wanted back.
My odds against me stacked.
My heart truly cracked.
I still hope…

I am steadfast when I believe.
I am strong when I grieve.
I am what I conceive.
I still dream…

Trying to love my new skin.
Trying to accept every win.
Trying to be here for my kin.
I still want…

Every piece is God’s plan.
Every puzzle in His time span.
Every revealed secret gran.
I still know…


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