Those Darn Mistakes!

A large, brown Atlas moth on a branch.

“Without God’s wisdom, learning things over and over again is redundant. One will never have full understanding.” ~Jennifer Burris

~Sure, it might be nice to go through life without making any mistakes but how would we ever learn and grow from our life experiences? Of course, I have heard the old saying wisdom comes with age. I can agree with that statement. There were definitely lessons learned stumbling along my way. For me, the learning never stops. As a student for the Lord, I cannot turn my back on His infinite wisdom. I am an open vessel for His teachings for as long as I am alive. They help me thrive. They help me cope. They help me with my Lupus.

~There came a point when I had to take accountability for myself. This is when the good stuff really starts to happen. I knew I was ready for God’s big change in me. When I was able to do this, I knew I was serious. This is not an easy step though. But, it is a necessary one. It’s a hardcore look at oneself. It is self-reflection. What patterns of behaviors could I develop into a more positive purpose? What do I need to take ownership of to fully understand my past so I can better prepare for my future?   

~It’s not that I was beating myself up anymore which was a relief. It’s not that I didn’t feel bad if I hurt anyone because I did. And, it’s not about being realistic enough to know that life is unfair and some things are just out of my control. But, God’s healing wanted to take care of my heavy heart in a way that would help instead of hinder my process of learning. I am all for the progress. Repeating history and making the same mistakes was not an option for me anymore nor was feeling guilty about them. It was imperative for me to let go of everything that was weighing me down. No more bag lady. No more luggage to check in. 

~In fact, I was checking out of self-pity and playing the blame game. I wanted to be light on my spiritual feet. I couldn’t be open to change without letting go of what was. This way, what is will have a chance to be. Too many detours in the road will just make it that much longer and harder to reach God’s destination. So, I cleared the way. Actually, I bulldozed it down. Once I asked the hard questions and took a look at myself in God’s mirror, this part was welcomed. I could see the route and it was a much better road than I had been traveling.

~Learning and growing should be looked at in The Divine’s light. We are made in God’s image. He wants to see us be spiritually set up for this life so when things like Lupus, Fibromyalgia. Psoriasis, PTSD, Anxiety, Depression, and other autoimmune diseases hit us, we are better equipped mentally and emotionally to handle them. To me, it sure beats trying to do it on my own. Trying to change old ways can be tough. We are creatures of habit. I am a believer that people can turn their lives around and feel more complete because that is exactly what I did. If I can do it, so can you 🙂  #Learn #Grow #Change #ItsWorthIt #GodsGotU #LupusMariposa®

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