Iron Will

Steampunk butterfly with gears and cogs.

“Where there is rust, there is iron. But, the rust only accumulates when the iron is not in use.” 

~The quote above is my version of an old Chinese proverb. The take on rust is funny and relevant because I joke about it all the time. I will say things like “I need my oil can this morning for my joints. They are rusty.” I compare myself to the Tin man from the Wizard of Oz. He is the most relatable character I can think of. Although, I do wish it was that easy to have someone grab an oil can and spritz a few sprays on my stiff rusty joints and off I go. I say this with an enlightened heart, for I know my Iron Will is being fortified daily through my pain and my suffering. It is a process that takes time. It’s a process that tests my resolve. 

~It’s all in my head but this time in a good way. (Not like when I’m being diagnosed with a mysterious illness and a doctor actually says to me “It’s all in your head!”) My most valuable asset is my brain. Daily enhancement to this precious gift is a must. I use positive reinforcement tactics to keep the rust and other corrosives from accumulating. In a negative mindset, there can be a collection of debris and the rust will then start to disintegrate the iron. The days start blending together. Before the realization has come to pass, I am performing damage control on my Iron Will. I am scraping off the rust spots carefully, little by little, one prayer at a time.

~There was a moment when my heart was close to being completely rotted out. I was sick and tired of being sick and tired. How many times has that phrase been overused? But, that is how I felt. Overused. Underappreciated. I was hurt by others from judging my illness. I felt abandoned and misunderstood. I had a horrible attitude about it. I let it turn my heart into molten pieces of burned up metal smoldering my emotions with detest and anger. The emotional state was the hardest for me to gain back some of that Iron Will. Although, with my decaying heart came some fortifying lessons. God was slowly adding the iron back into my veins by draining the deterioration. 

~Patience is key and communicating with God is essential. For my mind and heart have to operate as one unit. When the devil is whispering in my ear, God’s voice has to be louder. To have an Ironclad Will takes resilience and courage. I have had to look at past situations and dissect them. Ask the hard questions like “What was my part in this?” or “What is God showing me through this unfortunate experience?” I seek answers. I thirst for knowledge. All in the spirit of keeping dust and rust free. With a clean heart and a clear mind, I can focus on my earthly problems the way God expects me to. 

~Iron is a shiny, bright lustrous metal that is also soft and malleable. This makes the iron special. My Iron Will for God was taking the time to get to know who I was created to be and let go of the rules in my subconscious mind telling me how I should behave. To truly put God first, I had to let go of what others thought and follow my heart. When I put God first, I gave myself a voice. I also created a toughness inside my being that stayed with me. I am now more prepared to handle the ill-willed of this world. My Iron Will is Ironclad and I didn’t even realize God had been working on it through my struggles and triumphs. #LupusMariposa® #IronWill #StayStrong #DontRustAway #IronCladGod 

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