Eyes Steady

Blue Morpho butterfly with open wings.

“He Is The Same Yesterday, Today, and Forever.” Hebrews 13:8

~~~Have you ever been on a merry-go-round as a kid and got so dizzy that when you got off you could not walk straight? The joys of being a child 😊 I was told the key to lessen the crazy dizzy feeling was as you were spinning to focus on one constant thing with each turn. As a kid, I thought, yeah, right… But, I tried it. It worked. From that point on, I would strut my stuff (awkwardly though) off the merry-go-round. Lesson learned. Fast forward to adult life and the changes get way more complicated than the simple ones of childhood. But, the principal remains the same. Focus on the One constant presence in your life. The One that never changes. 

~~~Most of us are going to go through some heartbreaking moments and difficult situations at some point in our lives. We may have seasons that can be depressing. Some examples: anniversaries of loved ones gone, divorces, autoimmune diseases, dying loved ones, money problems, miscarriages, losses of friendships, illnesses, recovering from trauma, etc, etc. I could not possibly list them all. Through the circling craziness of life, Jesus is still with us. If we focus solely on Him during these times, we can make it. I know this from personal experience. 

~~~We have to have faith that God is bigger than our current changing situation. We have to believe that He will see us through to the other side. In our minds, there can be no room for doubt. Try not to get lost in your heartache. Rather, use your heartache to grow closer to the Lord. During hard times, the tough get going and the going get tough. The worst moments of our lives can actually bring us closer to God and our relationship with Him will be stronger than ever. Soon that bond will become unbreakable. 

~~~This world is the biggest merry-go-round of them all. It is a ridiculous ride that goes so fast, if we are not careful, it can fling us off into a place we cannot get ourselves out of. Hold onto those handlebars tightly. Do not let go. As the world keeps spinning round and round, keep your eyes focused with each turn on One constant thing. Make sure it is Jesus, Our Lord and Saviour. He will make sure you get off that ride safe and sound in His loving arms and together the two of you can tackle anything this life will throw at you. Wobbly legged and all. 😊#MerryGoRoundOfLife #EyesOnGod #LupusMariposa® 🦋🦋🦋

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