Like A Turtle

Couple hugging, smiling, close up.

~~January was the longest month, or so it felt. I am glad it is over. As many of you know, I have been sick the entire month. I was flying high after Christmas for the New Year and all of its possibilities. My heart was everywhere with every emotion of change and daring to bring it on. I knew with Lupus & Fibro there would be bad with the good but I didn’t think it would start as soon as the first day of 2019. I thought back to a moment where my world stop spinning and I got to look at things through the eyes of my Son and Daughter.

~~~One morning, I was getting my kids in the truck to take them to school. For the last hour or so, we had the usual routine of me running around the house getting ready for work, (a lifetime ago, when I was healthy) getting the kids ready for school, doing my daughter’s hair, making their lunches, signing forms, packing bags, etc. I was frazzled. We were always running late. I was trying not to speed. We get to the school. I look at my kids in the back seat. My Daughter says to me, “Remember Mom, slow and steady wins the race.” My Son had this smirk on his face like I needed to heed those words. My Son is a true turtle lover. 

~~~To this day I can still see their little faces and hear my Daughter’s sweet little voice. Such a profound message from a 5 and 11 year old. My babies meant slow and steady wins the game of life. They watched me turn into tornado Mom and then get completely worn out. But, they knew a steady pace would be more conducive. I think of the past month. I was completely drained emotionally. I knew my body would take much longer to get over these infections and I was not happy about it. But this time I took it back to the mouth of babes, my babes. Slow and steady will win this race. I will pretend I am a turtle with a hard shell protecting my insides until they heal completely. Oh, my babies! Thanks for the lesson.   #LupusMariposa® #SlowandSteady #TurtleShell #LoveMyKids

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