Pray For Your Haters

Green and black butterfly with yellow antennae.

~~~~I had my first cruel remark posted on my page. The person had commented “Quit your **** crying!” My initial response was shock and laughter. I figured I must be doing something right if I have an official hater. But, then I thought how rude and inappropriate. Not just for me but for anyone who has Lupus and found themselves relating to my post about wounds and scars. They weren’t just insulting me but my readers as well. 

~~~~The feeling of hurt I felt was comparable to the times I’ve been called names such as a “faker” or a “liar.” Why or how anyone can fake a Lupus diagnosis is beyond me. The organ failures, the hospitalizations, emergency room visits, full time doctors appointments, labs, and tests… It’s impossible! I just never understood people’s cruelty over a disease I wouldn’t wish on my worst enemy. 

~~~~Some would say I was looking for attention. So for many years, I suffered in silence. I would pretend I was okay to make others feel more comfortable while I cried behind closed doors. I tried to make others more accepting of my Lupus than myself. I wouldn’t even discuss it because most of the time it would just be dismissed as something not that serious. 

~~~~The motives behind people’s insincerity and cruelty I could never understand. I am not in a position to do so. God has put me here to realize that it is His job to judge others and my job to heal as best I can. God opened my heart  to others suffering like myself especially the ones who feel lost or cast away. 

~~~~Don’t let anyone tell you how you should feel about your Lupus or downplay it like it’s not that bad. People that truly care will not mind talking to you and praying for you. And who knows, maybe the next hater that leaves a comment on my page, I will leave up so we can all pray for that poor misguided soul. 


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