Beautifully Scarred

Yellow butterfly on a yellow flower.

~~~Wounds have a healing process. Some take longer than others. My wounds continued to bleed because I was NOT letting them heal. I would pick at the scabs until they would start bleeding again. I cannot say why I tortured myself for so long in this manner knowing each time I did, the healing process would take longer and longer. Maybe I knew deep down, I had to dig harder to heal deeper. 

~~~The GOOD news is the same things I used to cry about I no longer shed tears over. Thank you Lord! My wounds are no longer scabs to be picked at. Now they are scars. Some might find scars ugly. I find them unique and intriguing. Each one tells a story of pain and triumph. I feel my scars are beautiful. Both the external and internal are reminders of where I’ve been, how far I’ve come, and most importantly how much God has taught me. I feel so blessed to be here ~ imperfect as I am. 

~~~I used to HATE that saying “If I could go back in time, I wouldn’t change anything because it’s made me who I am today.” I would think to myself what a crock! There would be so many things I would change, so many decisions made differently. But what can I say? I succumb to the saying and now I am a true believer!  

~~~”God uses the broken. It takes broken soil to produce a crop, broken clouds to produce rain,… It’s the broken alabaster box that gives forth perfume. It is Peter, weeping bitterly, who returns to greater power THAN EVER!”


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