It Verses God

Butterfly with inspirational quote about life.

It follows me everywhere I go. 
Letting me know I cannot escape It, 
Even if I wanted to. 
It is cruel in nature, in Its intentions, 
It is crippling, ongoing, and constant.
It loves to disturb my morning songs and prayers. 
It loves to remind me that It is here to stay. 

It toys with my mind. 
A few good moments will be rewarded 
with an arrogant reminder of why It exists. 
It will punish me for trying to be normal, 
Because normal doesn’t exist for me. 
A lesson the It will bring me to 
my knees for. 

It charts its own course through my precious body. 
It’s agonizing unpredictability lends a hand to the chaos that will land 
me in the hospital. 
Once It decides what and where It will attack, 
It begins to bait me. 
Wondering if I can make It through another battle.. 

It is hoping that breaking me down 
Little by little, 
Day by day, 
That eventually, I will have no fighting spirit left. 
Well, It picked the wrong butterfly. 
I may be extremely weary, 
But, God is with me. 

I fly on His wings of hope. 
I fly on His wings of love. 
I fly on His wings of mercy and grace. 
My colors and stripes are the Lord’s work within me. 
I proudly wear each one. 
Each one unique to me. 
As I battle the “It” that is my Lupus. 
#LupusMariposa® #ItWillNotWin #Butterfly🦋

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