God’s Healing

A yellow butterfly with black and red markings.

“The Spiritual is the Most Important. It has to be on point with the physical and mental for total healing. Otherwise, the mind will not work properly.”~Jennifer Burris

~~Someone once asked me, “How’s the blogging going?” I said, “Good. Even when I am sick in bed, I can still write.” This has been true in most circumstances. Most Lupus sicknesses still render me able to think and be conscious of my words. I can manage most pain but as I found out not all. Unless my spiritual being is firing on all cylinders, then I cannot handle the mental capacity it takes to blog with others. I did try but my mind was completely empty. There was nothing there. I would sit down with my pen and paper and just stare at the blank pages. I would open my laptop thinking if I just started typing. Nope. Nada. I was in the kind of pain that no pill could fix. No doctor could help. No therapies would work. Only God, and it was going to take time. 

~~I cannot force a blog. I cannot force healing. I just stare at the minute hand on the clock wishing time and God could help me faster. I knew I was going to have to deal with the most heartbreaking moment of my life again. Just didn’t know when. Of course, in God’s infinite wisdom, He had it right down to the second hand. So, when the time came, I was numb. Numb because I had been through it before and because I knew what I would be going through again. I walked through enough fires to remember the scalding flames. I will never forget the smell. I will never forget the stench of burning flesh… My flesh, half wishing to be burned to ashes so I would never have to endure this heartache anymore. 

~~Then, I envision God’s hand reaching out to me. He wants me to grab Him and hold tight. He doesn’t want me to suffer. He has a better way. So, I reach out from the flames and take His hand. In fact, I am like a child and He carries me away from the lingering stench that haunts my soul. God takes me to a beautiful place with fresh air to breath. Breathing in cleanliness is the first step to my healing so I can be me again. God says, “Do NOT be afraid, for I am with you. Do NOT be anxious, for I AM your God. I will STRENGTHEN you, Yes, I will HELP you. I will UPHOLD you with my right hand of RIGHTEOUSNESS.” Isaiah 41:10 Some of the days, God still carries me. Other days, God holds my hand and we walk together. God always knows what I need to get through that day before I do. 

~~I consider myself a baby blogger. The lessons God has shown me during this time have been eye opening and life changing. This is perhaps the biggest lesson learned by far. I cannot give to others unless I am able. God needs me to stay focused even during the absolute most painful times in order to correctly give back the way He would like me to. If my spirit is harmed, then my words would be too. Words are very powerful is perhaps an understatement. Everything I put out there has a cyber life of its own. So, I must be watchful of what I put in print. I leave for now with this quote. “People may hear your words. But, they will feel your attitude.” John C. Maxwell.     #LupusMariposa® #UseWordsWisely #StayFocused #GodsHealing #GodsTiming 🦋

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