What’s In A Name

Woman with brown hair, resting her head on her hand.

“A name represents identity, a deep feeling that holds tremendous significance to its owner”~~Rachel Ingber~~

~~The name Lupus Mariposa means a great deal to me. I never had to think long about what name I was going to write under. I knew from the beginning that Lupus Mariposa was what I wanted. When I prayed about it, the name just felt right. What’s in a name? Well, quite frankly, alot. Our birth names are gifts from our parents when we are born. Those names become what we are associated with for the rest of our lives. When God told me to start writing, it was my rebirth, my therapy, and my way of reaching out to others. God was telling me I was not alone, to take a chance and step out on faith with this blog. Out of my pain, frustrations, and limitations, a new woman was emerging. That was me, Lupus Mariposa. I wanted to share God’s love to provide hope and encouragement.

~~ My Mother passed suddenly from multiple organ failure due to Lupus complications. As many of you know, I have Lupus as well. Add to the list: Fibromyalgia, Psoriasis, PTSD, Anxiety, & Depression. There have been many lost to this cruel disease before their time. I write in honor of my Mom who was a beautiful soul and a writer herself. I also write for all the other brave warriors currently living with Lupus and for those who have passed on to Heaven. There are some Lupus Support groups I belong to. But, sometimes, I have to take a break from these sites. I am always heartbroken and I cry every time I see another loved one has passed away from Lupus.

~~Two reasons for the Mariposa. Firstly, Mariposa means butterfly in Spanish. My Mother was Spanish. Her family is from a quaint little town called Carmona, in Sevilla, Spain. I have been researching our family genealogy and finding out the most wonderful details about our ancestry. I have always wanted to get my Mom back to her homeland. We were making plans for the trip before she passed. But, I know she has her flamenco dress on in Heaven dancing away with no pain and a big smile on her face. Finding out about my roots has been a fascinating journey and is something tangible I can pass down for generations to come. When I go back to Spain next summer, I will be bringing a locket of her ashes with me. I plan on returning her ashes to her roots.

~~The second reason for the Mariposa is my love for the butterfly. The symbolism it represents regarding change I have always related to. I was in my cocoon for a long time. It was dark and lonely. Each stripe formed on my wings is a battle scar fought and won. Each hauntingly beautiful scar I worked hard for and learned from life’s painful lessons. The butterfly cannot see the beauty God is creating on her/his wings. She/He just trusts the process that through the growing pains, the caterpillar will eventually become free. The chrysalis will give way for the butterfly to expand and breath, to make mistakes, all within the confines of God’s watchful eye. He never leaves us forsaken. He knows when we are ready to spread our wings. When that time comes, the butterfly emerges. I have emerged, thank you Lord. 

~~There is a verse in Psalms 118:5 “In my distress I prayed to the Lord, and the Lord answered me and set me free.”  In that cocoon, there is no dealing with the outside world. One is bound by the walls built around it. But, a butterfly will eventually demand the courage to change. The known realities of the chrysalis will no longer be acceptable. The world outside is waiting for the butterfly to use it’s newfound wings. God is the strength that every butterfly needs to break free and fly. So, do not be afraid of the unknown and fly butterfly, fly! #LupusMariposaⓇ #MyIdentity #WhatsInAName #Butterflies #FlyHigh

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