All or nothing

Peace and love butterflies with stars.

“Individually, we are one drop. Together, we are an ocean.” ~Ryunosuke Satoro

~Trying to find the good in the current global situation can be tricky but can be so. Personally, I am seeing all this love and care for others. My family and friends are practicing social distancing. But, that didn’t mean we have forgotten about one another. In fact, my one sister who hardly ever calls lol… I got to hear her lovely voice yesterday. What a wonderful time I had talking to her. I hung up with a huge smile on my face. I have talked to my extended family as well. We are all calling to check up on each other. This crisis is bringing us closer together in the way that matters the most, emotionally. Today’s technology allows for all kinds of ways to see and talk even though we cannot physically be near one another.

~A kind gesture can mean the world to someone. Taking a few seconds to let them know they are thought about costs nothing. Time can be used as a crutch. Not enough of it. Too much of it. Time goes by so fast. But, many have more than enough time now to do something thoughtful. It now becomes a question of want. Does one want to check on our families,our neighbors, our elderly, those at high risk. Spreading kindness during this crisis could see us all through. This virus does not discriminate between color, race, nationality, religion, status, weight, age, or geographic location. Neither should we.

~My heart and prayers goes out to our doctors, nurses, hospital staff, truck drivers, grocery workers, postal workers, firefighters, police, pharmacies, ALL essential personnel that are on the front lines. I’m hearing sirens as I write this and my heart is dropping a little, hoping no one is hurt. Now is the best time to pay it forward. What is it? It is compassion, empathy, prayers, polite gestures, kind words, and being considerate of others. Become present in this fight. Caring for mankind as a whole and not just ourselves.

~Frustration and boredom can drive any of us a little crazy. We’re all cooped up for who knows how long. Maybe take this time to finish those projects around the house. Use the time to invest in your hobbies or better yet your dreams. Do research. Read books. Journal this journey. It’s history in the making, unfortunately. To keep laughing, watch your favorite comedian. Turn off the news for a minute and watch a comedy. Keep it light. Watching the news 24/7 can be depressing and anxiety inducing. We need to stay informed. But, balancing the good with the bad will keep a fresh perspective.

~This is where I feel time can be of great purpose knowing that this too shall pass. That saying has passed down through generations because it’s true. Everyday spent doing what is needed is another day given back to us. Practice and adhere to all the safety precautions out there. Be smart. Stay inside if possible. If not for you, for your grandmother, your father or mother, your child, that neighbor who is fighting cancer, or your friend with the autoimmune disease. Think about when this is over. When fighting a war, no one should be left behind. No one. To see another week and another month, stay vigilant. Stay strong. Stay smart.

~I’m praying for us all. God bless! #LupusMariposa®

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