Dimensions Of Time

Black and white butterfly on a pink flower.

“Time Is Very Slow For Those Who Wait. Very Fast For Those Who Are Scared. Very Long For Those Who Lament. Very Fast For Those Who Celebrate. But, For Those Who Love, Time Is Eternal.” ~~William Shakespeare~~

~~Oh, William Shakespeare, I never paid attention in high school but I am paying attention now. This quote bounces delightfully off the page to me in a whole new way. It could not ring more true than church bells. It is funny how a man who lived in the 16th century could be so relevant in his truths today. But, these concepts he speaks of: fear, grief, celebration, and love are universal and transcend all the human measurements of time. I have sat in each one of these dimensions. And, each dimension has taught me something different to carry with me to my next season of learning in this lifetime.

~~I have sat in waiting for many things. I only found that time seemed to stand still and torture me. I swear, the hands on the clock would not move on purpose. They were just delaying the inevitable. I was trying to seek answers to “When will there be a cure for Lupus?” or “When am I going to die?” Well, those are indeterminable questions only God knows. In this state, I am stuck in a perpetual state of delay. I cannot possibly enjoy or appreciate the here and now. That dimension is corrosive to my heart.

~~In my front yard are beautiful yellow and red tulips that bloom every year at the same time. Now. My Mom planted them. She said the colors would remind us of the Spanish flag until we could get back to Spain. As many of you know, she passed away 3 years ago right before Mothers Day. To use the word hate is strong. So, I will say, I despised Mothers Day. In my lamenting, I could not see through my tears the beautiful reminder of renewal and hope my Mom planted that bloomed every Spring. The incredible legacy she left behind was being lost in my grief. That dimension was corrosive to my heart. 

~~Time always flies when I am having fun. That’s a given. Those moments become memories faster than my eyelids can blink. What is left behind is a collage of colors that form a unique set of prints ingrained in my brain. A viewmaster timeline I can happily click through whenever I wish. Celebrating those prismatic vibrant dimensions has taught me that even though the most joyous occasions come to an end, they are always there for me to revisit if I need to. This dimension is fortifying to my heart.

~~The irony here is once fear consumes the mind, time flies by as well. That minute hand starts ticking away faster than it should. Joy and fear should not be hand in hand in the same dimension of time but they are. My worst fears could come true if my mind lets them. They could swallow me whole and spit me out. The countless sleepless nights. Watching the sunset and the sunrise. All hours quickly gone. Poof. When I should have given my troubles to God and let them be. 

~~Shakespeare saved the best for last though. Love. It supersedes all of the above. Only if allowed. Only if we truly believe it can. The love for my Mom can turn my painful grief into preserving her memory. Love can chase away my fears and can squash the questions I do not need answers for. Love gives me hope and joy. Love lets me celebrate. Love can be passed down by each generation. And, I can never forget that God is the most High Love who helps me through each dimension of time so that I am never stuck but always moving forward to the next non-corrosive fortying piece of my heart.   #LupusMariposa® #DimensionsOfTIme #LoveIsEverything #LoveIsEternal

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