Don’t Fall For Fear

Woman with long red hair wearing a green shirt.

~~~”Don’t look down!!! ” was the only thing I heard as I climbed higher and higher to the skinny platform I would have to jump off of. It was the Navy swim qualification part of bootcamp. I watched many before me climb up only to turn around and climb back down. This would scare me even more. If these big grown men couldn’t jump off how would I? There weren’t many females back then I could turn to for words of encouragement. 

~~~I remember my turn like it was yesterday. The paralyzing fear of each step that took me higher and higher into the sky until the pool below looked so tiny that it didn’t look real. Of course, if all you hear is don’t look down, the first thing I did was exactly that. I looked down. My legs were shaking. My mind was not thinking of any good outcomes. Fear had a total grip on every bone in my body, every muscle under my skin. 

~~~I slowly made it up the ladder, down the plank, and now stood at the edge of the diving board. I was starring into the water below thinking has anyone ever died from this? I told myself the jump down was the hardest part. If I could just get past this one thing the rest would be easy. This one obstacle stood in my way of success, of continuing this chapter of my journey. I didn’t want to fail. I said a quick prayer because I was being yelled at to jump or get down. 

~~~I crossed my legs, crossed my arms over my chest, and went for it. I closed my eyes and jumped!! The rest was easy since I knew how to swim. I was so thankful it was over. Fear could have gotten the best of me and for a few minutes it did. The jump was scary and seemed impossible. I’m thankful my will to succeed was greater than my fear of failing. 

~~~Fear could have altered the whole course of my life. One split second, one different disicion, a jump or no jump. What course would my destiny take if I let fear consume me? When I encounter that all encompassing fear, I have to stop and pray. I need a time out to ask God for the courage to face it head on. Only God can give me the strength to do so. I alone cannot. 

~~~Proverbs 25:29 “The fear of man brings a snare. But whoever trusts in the Lord shall be safe.”

~~~Take a leap of faith in life. The Lord will catch you. Jump for joy. Don’t fall for fear!! 

#LupusMariposa® #LupusDiario 🦋🦋🦋🦋

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