
Woman with long brown hair smiling.

~~~When I first started this page, I wanted to bring some understanding and enlightenment, possibly a few laughs and feel good moments. I pray for guidance everytime I write. I don’t take this page lightly. I’m still learning as I go. 

~~~With that being said, I’ve been doing some research while on vacation. I got to witness a wheel chair bound husband with MS and a full-time caregiving wife manage their life on a daily basis. I interviewed both of them and this is what I have learned. 

~~~I asked the husband “How do you cope with being stuck in a wheelchair 24/7?” He replied “Love. Love for my family, my wife, my kids, my granddaughters. They are my world. I stay positive for them. I don’t want to be remembered in a negative way.” Let me add that he has a wicked sense of humor that had me laughing until I was crying. Personally, I feel that is his gift, the ability to make others laugh 😂

~~~Then, I asked his wife “How do you do it?” She runs around like nothing I’ve ever seen before. She also takes care of the kids, the grandkids, and everything in between the full-time care for her husband. She replied “Love. I love my family fiercely and wouldn’t have it any other way. Some days are hard but I pray and we get through them.” They have been married almost 20 years. The family unit brings the unity they both need 💗

~~~I thought of my own marriage, my son and daughter, my grandsons and I would agree that loved ones are a powerful force of unity. I would dare say most feel love and acceptance through the unification of a family unit. And, of course, all families are different. But, the main thing that stuck in my head was “How do I want to be remembered?” 

~~~When I leave this life I want my family to feel joy, love, and have fond memories no matter what happens to me with my Lupus. The husband taught me the greatest lesson ever while on vacation. How. Do. You. Want. To. Be. Remembered? 🤔


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