If I Were The Sky

A cloudy sky over the water and buildings.

The obscure brewing with possibilities of disenchantment
Convoluted chaos growing with emanated shadows
That thin line callously drawn between the dark and the light
It is a deceivingly clear invitation that numbly I will try to decline

Forced into the hidden valley of painful memories by the moody sky
My body follows suit like the downpour intent on destroying my healthy
This disruptive nature pretends to know better than the Heavens above
My spirit like the air wants to be free from unforeseen climatic changes

A calm after the storm or the storm after the calm and which one am I
Or are they simultaneously both within me like the clouds of this picture
The atmosphere seems indecisive dangling between the two extremes
To get to the shining sun I have to walk through the unfortunate gloom

And so I do.

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