
Yellow butterfly over purple ocean wave.

It is the whisper of colors at sunset and sunrise.
The calmness of serenity found in the quiet of the morning.
The knowledge of being humble enough to listen to nature.
To know that we are nothing compared to her.
Being still enough to hear when she is talking to you.
Listening with hearts wide open.
Feeling how the rib cage expands while taking deep breaths.
Taking in the colorless oxygen.
Expelling the carbon dioxide as our chest cavity retracts.
To be grateful of the simple yet complex process.

It is feeling the sand between the toes.
How the quartz soothes the balls of the feet.
The waves make tranquil music for the ears to hear.
Apprehending the subdued repetitiveness of the surf.
Seeing the white crested mountains of the ocean.
How they crawl gently to the shore.
Letting the mind imagine the ride.
The balminess hydrates the crevices of the skin.
The ocean permeates a smell that tickles the nose.
Peacefully taking the surroundings in.
Appreciating the privilege to be there.

Eyes of wonderment and curiosity staring back at you.
Discovering the pure bliss that has been created.
Seeing the miracle adoringly in front of you.
Smells of purity on the skin.
All sense of touch being brand new.
Lovingly holding your flesh and blood.
Seeing your heart swell outside your body.
Feeling the pride in the prearranged design.
Knowing there is no duplicate.
Marveling at all of the firsts and the middles.
Delighted to be part of God’s plan.
Understanding that life is not to be taken for granted.

To be loved unconditionally for who I am.
To know that when I am weak, He is strong.
To take comfort in knowing that my pain will not last forever.
That I have a final resting place.
I have a home that is waiting for me.
Where I will be reunited with my whole family again.
We will all be healthy and safe from harm.
Protected forever and ever in His embrace.
No more sadness, anxiety, depression, or trauma.
I won’t need medicine because I will have perfect health.
Eternal peace and joy await.

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