Music is Life

Blue butterfly on sheet music.

“Music is life. That’s why our hearts beat.” ~AU

~My love for music started before I could remember learning anything before it. I was only six years old when my Mom and my dear elementary music teacher would recognize I had a talent and thus my flute lessons began. I’ve been playing ever since. I admired my Mother’s vast taste in the realm of instruments, dance, and music. It’s like a dream. The memories I have of the Symphonies swirling up the stairs, or Motown making its way around the house, or Santana starting off a Saturday. I grew up with all genres. Music runs in our blood, it’s in our genes. Our family is full of musicians. But, I dare to say that music has the power to awaken anyone’s soul when it’s provoked.

~Now through the years, I have added Christian music to the mix. But, it wasn’t until maybe the last year or so that I have really gotten into it. I am happy I did. There are so many good artists out there. I now have a Christian playlist that can bring tears of happiness and get my hands in the air praising God from home. The music sets my soul on fire for Jesus. My heart starts beating out of my chest. I feel alive again. Even on my bad days, when I cannot move, I still feel genuine bliss. Shutting off mindless tv and putting in my headphones is the way to go. I can focus on the lyrics which are reinforcements of what I need to hear to make it through the moments of my days.

~Music is like a celebration. Psalm 150:3-5 “Praise Him with the sounding of the trumpet, praise Him with the harp and lyre, praise Him with timbrel and dancing, praise Him with strings and pipe, praise Him with the clash of cymbals, praise Him with resounding cymbals.” I can totally see myself praising the Lord in Heaven with instruments and dancing all to glorify His name. How much fun when that day comes! I can only imagine for now, but Christian music brings me as close to that feeling here on earth as possible. It’s a natural high on life without any nasty side effects. There is no need for any chemical enhancements to enjoy the music. Just let it feed my natural rhythm and go with the flow. 

~The other wonderful thing about music, it’s meant to be shared with others. I would like to thank those of you who have sent me songs of encouragement. You have no idea how much that touched my heart. I loved each song and have them saved. When I hear a good Christian song, I share it with my husband. I also have the Christian radio station on in the car which we never used to do. This is an awesome big step for us because well…my husband says he doesn’t mind it. I’ll take that since he is not a christian. I know it will all work out for the greater good starting with the music. He loves music too, all kinds. He played trumpet. Others can be reached and moved by Christ through the heartbeat of a drum, the pulse of a guitar, or the soul of a lyricist. I would never underestimate the power of music. It has miraculous abilities. 

~Perhaps the most moving moment music has brought to me was when my daughter was recalling the tunes I played when she was little. Like my Mom on Sundays, I would clean to a certain playlist. Mine was Spanish music and she was remembering the songs. I would stop cleaning here and there and teach my baby how to dance. She recalls those days fondly. Now, my daughter has all the old Spanish songs from back in the day. It looks like the apple didn’t fall far from the tree. This hits deep and brings tears to my eyes that the love for music has passed down from generation to generation without even trying. Music and it’s awesomeness. It can call the unsaved, help the saved in good times or bad, bring families together, and teach a young girl at 6 years old a whole new world. What would I have done without music? #WhatIsUrFavMusic #MusicISLife #SpanishMusic #ChristianMusic #AllGenres #AllLove #Mija #EQPDMom 

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