My Last 5K

Blue butterfly with wings spread against a black background.

~~My heart was pounding so hard and so fast. I thought it was going to explode. My breathing was all wrong. It was labored. I couldn’t get enough air into my lungs. I was starting to see actual flashes of stars circling above my head. Never seen those before. 

~~My peripheral vision was closing in. I didn’t know how much time I had left. My limbs felt as if I was pulling them through quicksand. I wouldn’t understand what was going on with my body until years later. 

~~My daughter being so sweet, came out to encourage me. She said “your almost there.” She locked her arm through mine. The finish line was crossed. I had her help me to the nearest bench while I prayed I wouldn’t have to use the emergency rescue standing by. How embarrassing for me. 

~~I say that because this is what I do. I run. I. Am. A. Runner. It was my stress reliever. Now I had some weird Alien lifeform that stole my body! I ran everyday. I had no clue what was going on. 

~~God has a funny sense of humor. That 5k would be my last. From then on, I would head down a major health decline that would take years of misdiagnosis, tests, labs, emergency room visits and hospital stays. But, I went out in a blaze of glory. Even though that 5k almost killed me, I took 1st place. Thank you God 😊  #LupusMariposa®

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