Power For Good

A red and white butterfly with spread wings.

“You are stronger than you believe. You have greater powers than you know.” ~~WW Movie

~~~When I was a little girl, I loved the superhero Wonder Woman. I remember looking forward to watching her every week on TV. I was in awe to see a woman have so much power and be so beautiful. Wonder Woman had super powers bestowed upon her by the Greek Gods and all these cool weapons to help ensure her victories. So awesome! She fascinated me. At Christmas time, my wish list would have all things Wonder Woman related. I wanted her Lasso of Truth, the Magical bracelets, and the Royal Tiara the most. Of course, my parents being the best, indulged my fantasy and little Wonder Woman was born. I was running around the house driving them crazy 🙂 

~~~Fast forward to the present day and the presence of Wonder Woman is everywhere again. There has been a big revival thanks to the DC Comic Movies. I am guilty of seeing the movies and enjoying them. I like the new Wonder Woman too. There is something about a super strong female role model fighting against evil for the powers of good. It is a great concept. It got me thinking. Since I am made in the image of God and I am a female, I am a sort of Wonder Woman myself. I can speak to God just like Wonder Woman spoke to her Gods. My God listens to me and I listen to Him. He is always there guiding me. He has also given me cool weapons to help in my daily battles, Lupus and Fibro included.

~~~Like Wonder Woman’s Lasso of Truth, I have the invaluable Bible of Truth. In there, are all the game plans of attack I need against anything this world throws at me. In there, are words of comfort to my soul and words of joy to my heart. This Bible of Truth builds me up and makes me stronger each day. No magical bracelets or royal tiara are more powerful than this. Perhaps the most magnificent weapon of all is that Jesus died on that cross for my sins. For little ole me. That is the power of good no evil can break. That kind of grace and mercy cannot be matched by anything human or nonhuman. Thanks to God, I am my own superhero. 

~~~I imagine God’s armor all around me. I have a shield just like Wonder Woman did. Mine is the Shield of the Lord protecting my precious insides. The shield cannot be pierced as long as I believe in the strength of the Almighty. I listen when the Holy Spirit moves me to act. I am a soldier in God’s army. One I gladly serve. I visualize myself as Wonder Woman but working for the Lord. So, in a way, my childhood dream has come true. “No weapon formed against me shall prosper.” Isaiah 54:17 says my Bible of Truth. And my Bible of Truth tells no lies. To be human and be able to talk directly to the Lord is such an amazing power. He has sent the groundwork for victory. Now, all I have to do is follow it and claim it.

🦋🦋🦋    #LupusMariposa® #Superheros4God #WonderWomanMyFav #Power4Good

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