Pray, Pray, Pray

Monarch butterfly on a purple flower.

~~~The day after. What I’ve learned these last few weeks is that there has to be balance in my life. After all, I am a Libra. 

~~~When I was knee high to a grasshopper, my favorite activity at the adorable little park I grew up down the street from, was the seesaw (I called it the titer tawter lol). It was not the thrill of the slide, or the excitement of the swings, or the gripping fear factor of the monkey bars. It was the titer tawter. I had one dear childhood friend who would indulge my love for balancing the scales. For hours we would see how long we could suspend ourselves in the middle and count the seconds between the earth and sky.

~~~The scariest part was if it wasn’t my friend and I knew I had been tricked. I knew I was going to be slammed to the top left dangling in the air and then slammed to the bottom with pain. How could I have balance now that circumstances are out of my control? 

~~~The devil has been trying harder and harder to destroy God’s progressive balance in me. The counterattack? For me, it was a good cleansing cry that lasted for days and constant prayer. And I mean every second of everyday. Prayer. Asking others for prayers. The devil hates that because now I am balancing back out again. 

~~~Deuteronomy 7:19 “The great trials which your eyes saw… the outstretched arm of God brought you out.” 

~~~Seek balance. Find peace. Keep the Faith. My top 3 personal suggestions for anyone struggling severely with the seesaw of life. 

#LupusMariposa® #UpDown  #BalanceWithGod #TrueLibra #EvenTheScales #PowerOfPrayer #PazYFe #Peace #Faith #TiterTawter 😊

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