
A butterfly perched on a sunflower.

~Those mountains are so dignified in their enormous stances. They know the fortitude in their beauty. They know the strength in their shape. Their amazing caps look like white cotton candy with sprinkles of glistening light. They take pride in their purpose. Their chests are broad to withstand the elements. Their eyes observingly open to mankind knowing they can store the rainwater like a sponge and affect the air all around them. They are not conceited with their knowledge but rather confident. The mountains know they cover over 20 percent of this earth with their motionless permanency. They have never changed their appearance. They know that God gave them their unique powers and this motivates their majestic grounds.

~I pray to be sturdy and strong like a mountain.

~That water with it’s hypnotizing properties. The liquidity is breath-taking. It knows the ability to change form according to what is needed. Water dominates the earth with its emotional pull. A cure for insomnia with just its sound. A calming force when stared at relieving anxiety. A hydrating sensation with consumption. A refreshing cleanliness with soap. Water relishes in abundance in the air, on land, and in human bodies. The commonality is humorous. Water is secure with happiness. It knows I can see it, feel it, breath it, drink it, and hear it. Water can look like diamonds and crash so loudly. Water can be shallow and sing soprano. It can be deep and sing bass. It’s shapeless flexible God given beauty mesmerizes in all constructed embodiment. 

~I pray for that ability to adapt and succeed like water.

~Air is a lifesaver. It is a colorless invisibility that is necessary for existence. It’s covert operation understood. Air is on a mission to assist the Earth and all who reside. Air in its purest form cannot be tasted or smelled. But this gas is at the mercy of others. If it is polluted, the odor can be detected. If it is contaminated, the flavor can be tasted. Air is taken advantage of. Air is taken for granted. The air is forgotten about because of its intangibility. The temperatures of its presence will bring acute awareness and remind the existing of its perseverance. The essence of air will delicately deliver a message the only way it knows how. When it has had enough, the atmosphere will reward us accordingly by our deeds. Air will win against its components. 

~I pray for that stamina and patience. 

~God has been reassuring me that the Earth He has made is still a beautiful and useful place. Nature’s miraculous beauties are abundant and obvious. God needed me to look more closely at them. I am in awe when I sit quietly with God outside in the land He has created. My spirit is instantly elevated to a higher level of consciousness. The quiet stream, a chatty brook, a gigantic waterfall, the sea, or the ocean. They all give to me that serene peacefulness I desperately need. The Pyrenees Mountains in Spain were the most elegant mountains I had ever seen. I remember how protected I felt. I realized that beauty can be strong and enormous in its simplicity. The Air is my indispensable friend. It is everywhere, all around me. Even though it is naked to my eye, I can feel it keeping me alive. 

~I am thankful to God. 

~He is the highest of the high. He stands tall and proud protecting me daily. He is my Pyrenees. His presence is gargantuan. He is perfect in His love and constant. He is the water I drink. He is the Air I breathe. I do not have to worry about poisonous sources with God standing watch. He is my Father and I am His Child. He is planting hope and giving me strength. My part is to let him. Never to quit on my faith even through depression and despair. When I feel extremely saddened by events in my life, God is there. He is like the water and the air getting into every crevice of my heart. He will never quit on me. I must never quit on Him. Together we are stronger. I just needed to be reminded.

~Amen.  #LupusMariposa

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