Self Care

A colorful butterfly perched in green grass.

“We Cannot Help Others Unless We Are Helping Ourselves. Secure Your Own Oxygen Mask Before You Can Assist Others.” ~~ Jennifer Burris

~~~ I remember the first time I saw my Mom walking down the street using her cane. I was instantly worried about her. I rolled down my window and asked her if she was okay, telling her I could have given her a ride if she was not feeling stable. She said she was fine. She wanted to walk and get some air and with her cane she could do just that. My Mom amusingly called her cane her “ugly stepsister.” She had a smile on her face and the sun behind her back. She looked happy and was enjoying the day on her terms using the aids given to her and with a sense of humor I might add. I have always admired my Mother’s attitude towards her AI diseases.

~~~ I had yet to reach that level of grace and dignity. I was still afraid to use my cane in public. The first time my daughter saw me using my cane was early morning in the house. I didn’t think anyone was awake yet. She startled me with a raised voice “Oh my God Mom! You use a cane!” I was not smiling like my Mother was though. I felt mortified. I had not mastered that true peace of knowing that doing what was best for me first was what was best for those around me as well. I was still wrapped up in the concerns of others and their comfort level about my Lupus. I did not want to be seen as less than or judged by the aids I had to use. Thankfully, the Lord has been working on me and I had my beautiful Mom who lead by example. 

~~~ I finally went to Occupational Therapy. I received the safety equipment I needed for the bathroom. The shower chair and safety bars are a godsend. Yes, I should of went after the first slip and fall but I was too concerned about how it would make our new bathroom look. Now, I realize how crazy that sounds. I actually asked for assistance last year at the airport when I could barely walk from pain. I had only 30 minutes to my connecting flight. The old me would have never ever rode in a wheelchair. I would have been that wounded soldier just missing her flight. I even use my handicap parking when it is an absolute necessity. 

~~~ Through my trial and errors, I have come to realize that it is self preservation to use what my medical team has given me. These aid and assist my quality of life. I have nothing to be embarrassed about. I know now that the inner peace my Mom had was from learning how to shut the outside world out. She did not let anyone define her illness or tell her how to live her days. I get that now. It is not selfish to put myself first. When I am at my Lupus best, then I am able to contribute and help others. Whatever it is that makes life easier, there can be no fear of. So, with brave hands I am reaching for that oxygen mask. I am placing it over my face. By taking care of myself first and foremost, I am now able to help assist others with theirs.  #LupusMariposa® #SelfCare #YouAreAPriority #HelpUrself2HelpOthers

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