Sweet Melody

Person wearing purple and pink butterfly wings.

~~~Can something good come from being diagnosed with Lupus? My answer is YES~ absolutely!!! One big plus for me was finding my voice. My vocal cords did not improve overnight though. Rather, through the years, they became musically inclined to handle any melodic discord life threw at me. 

~~~I learned I did not need to be the loudest instrument in the room to get my point across. I could be the quieter calmer note of reason that would cut clear through all the noise and chaos. And when the song was over, my voice would still be remembered and heard. My song would still be sung. 

~~~The musical notes of my life change daily. Once in a while, I may need to adjust the pitch of my voice. This would be when my body and mind are out of tune and I need God more than ever to even me out. When I am having my most painful days are usually when my voice runs the sharpest. 

~~~I noticed my voice will run flat when I am hurt by others. Even then, the Lord reminds me that it is ok to stand up for myself. But do so in a rhythmically reasonable manner and not one of a horrible symphony gone wrong. 

~~~Many things have affected my voice through the years. Not always have I been able to appreciate the music. There were deep notes of hurt left by life that made me not sure of what note to sing or play. With the Lord’s guidance I became stronger over time. I learned to love my Lupus self and that’s all that matters. 

~~~When you find your voice don’t let anyone tell you that you are out of tune. Sing from the roof tops! Don’t let anyone take your voice away or sing for you. You can believe in yourself without anyone’s consent or permission. And that is the MOST beautiful note of any song a person could sing or play 💗💗💗 #LUPUSMARIPOSA® #GODLYSELFLOVE #FINDYOURVOICE

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