There’s an App for That!

Red phone case with butterfly and flowers.

“Technology is a useful servant, but a dangerous master.”~Christain Lous Lange

~~Modern technology–isn’t it great? Now, I can learn anything I want to at the touch of my fingertips. The wealth of knowledge in cyberspace is only limited to what my mind can conjure up. The information is boundless and at times overwhelming. Some of the apps are cool and fun. Some of the apps are informational and useful in researching my Lupus and my other auto-immune diseases. My favorite thing so far has been the social sites. It is wonderful to keep in contact with my family and friends this way. It makes it so much easier since we are scattered in different states and countries. But, like all things, there has to be a balance. Too much of even a good thing could eventually become a bad thing. Plain and simple. 

~~I remember snail mail. As a young girl, I enjoyed picking out stationary and stickers. I had pen pals but my favorite pen pal was my Aunt. We were the same age and could totally relate to each other. I would write letters to my friends I met at camp every summer. It was fun waiting for letters to come back in the mail. I can remember waiting for my favorite songs to come on the radio and hitting record on my little boombox. The cassette to cd’s to streaming. The vhs to dvd’s to streaming. One thing I haven’t changed yet are books. I need to feel the pages turning as I read a book the old fashioned way. Text messaging is a convenient way to communicate, although I think I am that rare individual that would rather talk to someone on the phone still. 

~~So while the world is moving me forward, I find myself yearning for a calmer way of life. I am looking for tranquility. I am longing to be still in this fast paced race. Maybe it has to do with my anxiety and PTSD. Those disorders certainly don’t help. Maybe I want to be closer to God. Maybe I need to know there are better days ahead than constant pain. Maybe I need hope. But, guess what? There is an app for that. It’s called the bible. And, yes, I prefer to feel the pages as I turn them. God has given me answers to my questions. He has given me everything I need to get through my Lupus and all it entails. I just have to open The Good Book & seek His guidance. 

~~For quick reference, these are some of my favorite go to’s. When I am losing hope: Jeremiah 29:11 and 1 Peter 5:10. When my anxiety is high: Psalm 94:19 and 1 Peter 5:7. When I am losing faith: Isaiah 26:2. Forgiving someone who doesn’t deserve my forgiveness: Ephesians 1:7 and Matthew 6:14-15. These are just a few examples of what I may go through at times. The great thing is, there is an app for those! It is an old fashioned app that takes me back to when I was 12 years old. The age I asked Jesus into my heart. The age I was saved. I wasn’t sick back then. I was a happy, healthy, baby Christian with her whole life ahead of her. It was such a precious time that I recall fondly.

~~In this world of instant gratification, I am not fully committed. I am somewhere in the middle. It has its advantages. In trying to be a better person and servant for God, I do have to shut down all gadgets and go back to the basics. Uplifting books, writing in journals, and the bible for the applications needed in my daily life. Then, using the apps on my phone and laptop for the good things like blogging 🙂 A friend of mine always says “simple is best.” In longing for the nostalgia of yesteryear, and trying not to be obsolete, I will find a compromise in there somewhere. It has to sit right in my soul and serve a purpose. There might be Apps for that but that App might not be all that! #LupusMariposa® #AppsForThat #GodsGotApps #TechnologyBadOGood #SimpleLife

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